21 05 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
In this article I will explain “Why should you test react.js components”, “How can you do testing” and “What are the problems you might come across”. Testing solution which I use, doesn’t rely on the Test-utils of React and on DOM implementation ( so that you can do the node.js testing ). Why/How to test […]
javascript, mocha, node.js, react.js, test
7 05 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Sometimes easy things appear to be more complicated, than initially thought. For example conditional IE comments in HTML, which I had to add today to a code I write. At my work we have to support Internet Explorer browser version 9 an higher . In order to use media-queries we decided to use polyfill […]
comments, html, IE, isomorphic, javascript, react.js
24 03 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
How often have you done this in you code? Instead of this? While it might be used to accomplish the same result, the code above has some hidden pitfall in it. Image situation that you always use the code above, also inside your for statements. If you wouldn’t be careful enough, you might trap in […]
best-practice, javascript
18 07 2013
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Hi all, today is another javascript experiment where I use Array’s iteration methods forEach and map to look how call function is implemented and how we can use call to implement something ‘not-standard’. You know often I use forEach or map on an array to execute one method of the instances in this array, e.g., […]
bind, call, execution, forEach, javascript, map, scope, this scope
20 06 2012
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
^ This article is dedicated to regular expressions in python based on javascript knowledge. This is the follow up to the article “Javascript to Python API reference guide”. There is not much of python RegExps that you could directly map to javascript. For this reason i’ve decided to write an introduction article to regexp in […]
javascript, python, regural expression
7 10 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Yesterday I came across two interesting JavaScript behaviors. They gave me different results based on the browser. The first one was only reproducible in Internet Explorer (IE) and the second one only in Firefox. First, lets see the IE code: var get = function() { return function bla() { alert( ); } } var […]
declaration, functions, javascript
28 09 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Experiment, test, analyze. Experiment again, test again, analyze again. This is the process of learning the environment, the language and the tools I work with. Taking things apart, looking inside, diving deeper and building a picture of understanding. I think JS is a language with a lot of hidden corners and this time I’ve decided […]
browsers, execution, javascript, timeout
6 07 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Summary : Do you still believe that there are only public, private and privileged members in JavaScript objects? With JavaScript, you never can be sure. Lego principle As I might have told you, I think that JavaScript is an amazing language. Even so, I would like to repeat it again. It is the ultimate language […]
classes, execution, experiment, javascript, protected, scope
28 05 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
“Do not trust defaults” # Prefix Recently I had an opportunity to deal with focus behavior in browsers, with tabindex attribute and other focus related stuff. When I was doing this work I came across interesting aspects of focus implementation in different browsers. This article is exactly about all these things. Tested browsers are IE […]
browsers, focus, getTabIndex, IE, javascript, tabIndex
15 02 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
“Everything old is new again” Info: I’ve posted this javascript quiz almost two years ago. Unfortunately I’ve got some problems with host and this quiz was not available anymore. I still like this challenge, that’s why I decided to repost it again. Introduction I always enjoy programming JavaScript, it always brings me some new and […]
execution, javascript, puzzle, quiz