27 06 2016
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
When preparing application for deploying to production env I want to ensure that everything is properly logged, especially things which are unexpected in code. That’s why, I think, proper error handling is crucial to any application. This is a short article on how to do an error handling when going live in isomporhic web app […]
error, express.js, expressjs, fluxible, isomorphic, javascript, node.js, nodejs, react.js, reactjs
7 05 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Sometimes easy things appear to be more complicated, than initially thought. For example conditional IE comments in HTML, which I had to add today to a code I write. At my work we have to support Internet Explorer browser version 9 an higher . In order to use media-queries we decided to use polyfill […]
comments, html, IE, isomorphic, javascript, react.js