12 07 2017
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Recently I’ve got a pleasure to debug some bug inside node.js app. Run-time was breaking with the following error: Quite usual error, meaning that object has no forEach function. Let’s see the code itself: I bet you were surprised like I was. This is just not possible from the first look, right?. If you read […]
execution, getters, quiz, setters
6 09 2016
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Do you know what would be the result of the following code executed in node.js without babel and any transpiling? example.js Do you know the result ? Think good … And one more time Well, it appears that it depends on the version of the node.js ( and guess […]
execution, javascript, node.js
18 07 2013
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Hi all, today is another javascript experiment where I use Array’s iteration methods forEach and map to look how call function is implemented and how we can use call to implement something ‘not-standard’. You know often I use forEach or map on an array to execute one method of the instances in this array, e.g., […]
bind, call, execution, forEach, javascript, map, scope, this scope
28 09 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Experiment, test, analyze. Experiment again, test again, analyze again. This is the process of learning the environment, the language and the tools I work with. Taking things apart, looking inside, diving deeper and building a picture of understanding. I think JS is a language with a lot of hidden corners and this time I’ve decided […]
browsers, execution, javascript, timeout
6 07 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Summary : Do you still believe that there are only public, private and privileged members in JavaScript objects? With JavaScript, you never can be sure. Lego principle As I might have told you, I think that JavaScript is an amazing language. Even so, I would like to repeat it again. It is the ultimate language […]
classes, execution, experiment, javascript, protected, scope
15 02 2010
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
“Everything old is new again” Info: I’ve posted this javascript quiz almost two years ago. Unfortunately I’ve got some problems with host and this quiz was not available anymore. I still like this challenge, that’s why I decided to repost it again. Introduction I always enjoy programming JavaScript, it always brings me some new and […]
execution, javascript, puzzle, quiz