28 04 2016
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
If you’ve decided to move react components to es6/es2015 syntax you’ve might found out that defining propTypes and contextTypes is not that seamless as it was. Babel@6.7.7 doesn’t yes support static properties on Classes and the most evident way to use propTypes is to append them to the class at the end: Though there is […]
es2015, es6, javascript, react.js, reactjs
17 06 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Embellishment of a story Recently I had to setup a new mini webserver. The functionality of this server was not very complex: 1. Fetch JSON data from [Jenkins]( server 2. Transform JSON into another format 3. Read files from the file system 4. Return the result to the user I took express.js and node-jenkins package […]
async, callbacks, es2015, generators, javascript, node.js