10 09 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
Currently I’m working on a project which uses GitHub. Here we work with feature branches, which means every feature gets its branch and every branch has to go through the pull request and then merged back to the main line. Whenever branch is merged back it get’s deleted in the GitHub with button “Delete branch”. […]
bash, git, github, python, scripts
15 04 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
UPDATE: Created npm module to fix this stuff – Today I came to work and it appeared that builds on our Jenkins ( CI environment ) are broken due to “No space left on device” error. Further investigation showed that the whole /tmp folder was filled with strange “npm-xxx” folders, which in their turn […]
bash, node.js, npm
27 03 2015
Maks Nemisj | javascript |
How often do you wanted to go to the root of the git repository? If not very often, then I do it quite often. Mercurial has this nice command hg root, but git not. In order to do it in git you have to use some long command ‘rev-parse –show-toplevel’ which I even can’t remember. […]
bash, git