Notes of Maks Nemisj

Experiments with JavaScript

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GIT. Learn by doing: Chapter 4

This chapter is going to be part II of explanations about the merge. The reason why I explain merge in so many details because we will need it to understand how the D from DVCS works in Git. D stands for Distributed, and this is where an understanding of ‘merge’ is of significant importance. Fast-Forward […]

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GIT: Learn by doing. Chapter 2

What is a “branch” ? If you have read the previous two chapters, you should already know that commit is the most fundamental part in Git. Diverged history points (alternate future) makes it possible to create branches. In this chapter I’m going to tell you about the “branches” you knew before – what are those, […]

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GIT: Learn by doing

This is a series of articles about Git ( version control system (VCS). I aim to show you Git from a different perspective, starting with the central part of Git – commit and going further into the branches and remotes. You will see what is in reality underneath “origin”, why the button “Create branch” in […]

GIT: Learn by doing. Chapter 1

This is the second article of the series about Git. If you haven’t read the introduction, I strongly advise you to do this since this chapter will operate on the knowledge you’ve received in the intro. This time you will have to do exercises in the terminal of your choice. Most of the practices will […]

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How to use async/await with forEach ( oneliner )

If you’re already using async/await syntax, you might notice that forEach is not working for asynced functions. In that case you might start doing old style for loops or even for-of loops. Also if you have a bluebird package already installed you can use bluebird.each() instead. In ECMAScript 2018 there is going to be asynchronous […]

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What you see is NOT what you get

Recently I’ve got a pleasure to debug some bug inside node.js app. Run-time was breaking with the following error: Quite usual error, meaning that object has no forEach function. Let’s see the code itself: I bet you were surprised like I was. This is just not possible from the first look, right?. If you read […]

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Why not to use NODE_ENV for defining environments

Recently I’ve came across a couple of node.js projects which use NODE_ENV for defining environment for the Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production (DTAP) pipeline. At first sight this looks like a good idea, but I would advise against it. What we often see is that npm modules are consuming NODE_ENV as either ‘production’ or something […]

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